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Advice, News & Know-how

Public liability

Here's where we lift the lid on insurance and explain it all simply.

There's essential help with how best to protect your business or not-for-profit. Plus, useful advice on running your organisation and life as a freelancer.

Insurance advice and risk tips for teachers

Here's some grade-A insurance advice for teachers. And some handy tips on minimising the risks of a claim.

What insurance do I need for my business?

What business insurance do I need? What don't you need, more like. If you're after a more helpful answer than that, try reading this.

What’s claims made insurance?

Professional indemnity is 'claims made' insurance. Other types of insurance are 'claims occurring'. But what's the difference? And why does it matter?

What’s public liability insurance?

What is public liability insurance? A highly useful ally in helping your business survive modern-day compensation culture, that's what. Find out how.

Insurance for tradesmen. What do you need?

Insurance is the tool tradesmen need to protect their business. But what cover should they choose? And what does it do? Find out…

What insurance does a limited company need?

2020 saw the highest number of companies incorporated on record in the UK. But what kind of insurance does a limited company need? Find out

What insurance do sole traders need?

Public liability? Professional indemnity? What insurance do sole traders need and why should they have it?

Do self-employed cleaners need insurance?

You work in other people's properties. And accidents happen. How does self-employed cleaner insurance keep your business sparkling? Find out.

How hypnotherapy insurance gives you peace of mind

Hypnotherapy insurance helps takes the stress out of practicing. Here's how it protects your business, plus other ways to reduce your risks.

What insurance does a beauty salon need?

Beauty salon insurance protects your business if something goes wrong and things turn ugly. Here's what cover you need and how it helps.

Private investigator insurance explained

Clueless about how best to protect yourself and your business? It's no mystery: all the evidence points to private investigator insurance. Here's why.

Professional insurance Q&A

Where do you start with professional insurance? Or finish, come to that? Our guide to what you do and don't need will help you decide.