We're here to help
0345 561 0320
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm, local rate & mobile friendly

Read our customers' comments and find out what it's like doing business with us.

You'll see that it's not about us at all. It is, in fact, all about you.

But if you're after a bit more, here's the full story:

The why

Iain, our founder, started doing business insurance because he was frustrated at how unnecessarily complex it was. Confusing, difficult, lengthy, expensive – just some of the words he used to describe it. We can't print the other ones he used.

He was convinced there was another, better way. And he's still convinced now, ten years down the line. (Because there's always room for improvement.)

It means we're an insurance broker that isn't like an insurance broker.

At least, we don't look like one. Or think like one.

The what

From day one, we wanted to redefine what an insurance broker should be.

So we ditched the dusty brown files. We embraced digital. We rewrote confusing documents. We employed bright, knowledgeable people. We thought differently.

From a shed at the bottom of Iain's garden, we took on the insurance heavyweights.

We used our small size to our advantage. We thought on our feet and got to know our customers. Even though we've developed and grown since then (and moved out of the shed), those things are still important to us.

It means we understand the problems a young, modern business has because we are one.

And because we are, we know what insurance you need. We don't assume that you do too, though, so we talk to you about it, find out what you're after and get the right cover to suit.

That way, you get everything you need and nothing you don't.

The how

They say the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

We do what we do because we think it's right, but also because our customers tell us it's right. They also tell us when it's wrong but that's OK too.

It all adds up to this: keep doing what we're doing. Here's how we'll do it:

We'll keep professional insurance quick and easy to buy.

We'll keep our language jargon-free.

We'll keep away from call centres, scripts and phone menus.

We'll keep our documents easy to read.

We'll keep dishing out valuable advice and information.

We'll keep harnessing useful technology.

We'll keep our team packed with friendly, insurance-savvy experts.

We'll keep being picky about the insurers we use.

We'll keep listening to our customers.

We'll keep trying to do insurance better.

And that really is all you need to know about us.

The where to next

That's not all there is, of course.

Put a face to a name on our people page. And if you love a bit of small print, try our terms of business page.

Last but not least, click here for a professional insurance quote.

What our customers say...
Easy to set up Virtual Assistant insurance.
Virtual Assistant & Book-keeping
24 March 2025
Clear process. Good recommendations
Market research Consultancy
23 March 2025
It’s fine and suits our needs.
Charity/not-for-profit organisation
23 March 2025