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Advice, News & Know-how

Employers’ liability

Here's where we lift the lid on insurance and explain it all simply.

There's essential help with how best to protect your business or not-for-profit. Plus, useful advice on running your organisation and life as a freelancer.

Professional insurance Q&A

Where do you start with professional insurance? Or finish, come to that? Our guide to what you do and don't need will help you decide.

Employers’ liability insurance guide

Employers' liability insurance protects you if employees claim for injuries and illnesses they suffer at work. Get it of get a fine from HSE.

What insurance do IT contractors need?

You may be careful, but things can go wrong. IT contractors insurance requirements include professional indemnity, public liability and employers' liability

Insurance for interior designers explained

How does insurance for interior designers help? It's a friend with deep pockets if things go wrong. No use crying over spilt paint.

How does a broker help with insurance claims?

Why should you use a broker? You'll find out when you need help with insurance claims. Here's why they're the difference between a claim being paid or not.

Do sole traders need employers’ liability insurance?

Knowing exactly what sole trader insurance you need can be confusing. Do you need employers' liability insurance? Find out here.

What do in the aggregate and any one claim mean?

In the aggregate or any one claim? What difference does it make to your insurance and why are we going on about it? Find the answers here.

How to dismiss an employee fairly

As with most things, there's a right and a wrong way to fire people. Here's how to dismiss an employee fairly, and why getting it wrong can cost you dear.

Employers’ liability insurance and Christmas workers

You have a duty to protect temporary staff in the same way as permanent employees. Don't, and you could find seasonal goodwill in short supply.