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Business insurance brokers: online or offline?


Why battle with the crowds, the parking, and the aimless walking around when you can do everything from the comfort of your own (or someone else’s) sofa?

Why indeed.

Letting the mouse do the work might be the preferred option for the switched-on consumer, but what about the business owner looking for professional indemnity insurance? Should your thought/buying process be any different, just because it’s business insurance?

We certainly don’t think so. We use technology to make life easier for both you and us, and we’re convinced it’s the most efficient way to do business. But we also know that that’s not always enough - some buyers want/need the added reassurance of a physical, walk-in establishment.

Same difference

But why? Are the two set-ups really that different? Do you really get something with one that you don’t with the other?

The fact is that the way we do business is changing. We’ve seen the online business insurance marketplace explode in recent years and that’s created competition. A good thing. It’s also created good and bad brokers. Oddly, also a good thing.

The best digital brokers have upped their game. They’ve had to. They now offer the customer more; over and above just providing professional insurance. Some are excellent, easily accessible sources of advice and business know-how as well.

As a result, many find their clients are surprised and delighted with the personal, expert and professional service they get. It’s almost as if the customer doesn’t expect it.

In a way, that tells its own story. Surprised and delighted with an online broker? Why? Can you only get great service from a traditional, suited and booted chap sitting behind a desk?

There’s a perceived solidity and dependability with a bricks and mortar set up that, for some, no amount of online posturing can match. Or is there? One man’s solidity and dependability is another man’s sluggish complacency …

Clicks and mortar

We're a digital company and we accept that there’s a ‘distance’ between us and our customers. It’s inevitable, but we don’t consider it a barrier. To us, that’s not the point.

What matters most is how we go about doing what we do.

We have real people in a real office giving real advice. In that sense, we’re no different to your average high street broker. You just can’t see us when you talk to us (although you can put faces to names here, and you’re welcome to pop in any time).

On a daily basis, you’ll find we’re open and transparent because we know that’s important to you. It makes us credible and it gives you confidence.

And we move quickly because we have to. If we don’t, we won’t keep up with the way our customers do business. We’re constantly tweaking our infrastructure and our methods so we can do just that.

The net result is something of a rare commodity: loyalty. Our customers stick with us because they trust us to do it right. That’s a big deal – it means we’re connecting with people and building relationships. It’s vindication of our philosophy.

That we’re willing and able to do these things is, we think, the real difference. In our opinion, the success of a business – any business – lies in its approach and its values.

That’s what really matters and that’s what makes you the best, regardless of where you are and who you’re up against.

Do we sound like the kind of broker you're after? Go get a quote or call us on 0345 222 5391.

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